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To New Heights

In 2022, St. John’s embarked on a strategic planning process led by the Board of Trustees, Head of School, and parents. The resulting plan, To New Heights, builds on our powerful mission and strong foundation of 70 years demonstrated success in preparing children for lives of learning and service. To New Heights is organized around six goals that will help shape our priorities and guide our developments over the next five years.  

Strategic Intent

Building on a powerful mission and strong foundation of 70 years demonstrated success in preparing children for lives of learning and service, St. John’s Episcopal Parish Day School will achieve national prominence by becoming Tampa Bay’s school of choice for diverse families seeking an unparalleled, values-driven education of the mind, body, and spirit for children in K(4) – Grade 8. We will attract and retain the very best teachers and administrators, provide a leading-edge educational program, and develop state-of-the-art facilities that maximize our thriving urban setting. Our efforts will show how hard work, faith, honesty, and a commitment to excellence allow our graduates to thrive in high school, college, and beyond.

Goals & Strategies:


Thank you to the 2022 Strategic Plan Committee:

Julie Harrington, Committee Co-Chair, Trustee, Parent
Michael Salzer*, Committee Co-Chair, Alumnus, Parent, Lower Division Director
Sheryce Andrews, Parent
Dan Greco, Trustee, Parent
Hugh Jebson, Head of School
Gail Kelley, Director of Enrollment Management, Parent
Maria Soledad Lucas*, Trustee, Parent
Lee Peterson, Trustee, Alumni Parent
Candace Rich, Parent
Jane Sando, Parent
Eric Williams, Board Chair
Amy Woropay, Director of Marketing & Communications

*Denotes 2016 Strategic Plan Committee Member